Saturday, April 7, 2012

Organ Donation and staying positive in the face of illness

I blogged about organ donation a year ago, about a young mother with cystic fibrosis, who received a lung transplant in the nick of time. Well today, 2 years later, that same young mother is enjoying life with her healthy lungs and 2.5 year old daughter.

Today, another young lady was lucky enough to receive a double lung transplant, after being diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis, which is a condition that causes permanent scarring of the lungs. Hélène Campbell is truly an inspirational person, since unlike what a lot of people (including myself) which is feel depressed when they are ill and ask 'why me' she made a goal of raising awareness, and got the attention of Justin Bieber, Ellen Degeneres, and was able to show how life-changing it could be if more people became organ donors.

Every day we read more and more about the negativity in the world, and it is rare to learn about a person that is so positive and wants nothing more than to help others that it made me (a very pessimistic person usually) believe there is hope, kindness still present in the world. We often focus on our busy lives, commutes, problems present, but don't really think about what would happen if we did indeed had a significantly shortened lifespan.

It made me realize that I really should be thankful for what I have, and to try to look on the positive side more often. I also need to stop asking 'why me' with my bronchitis and asthma, and start enjoying life more, going outside, meeting new people, because hey you never know when it will end.

Here are the links to a few of her inspirational sites:

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