Friday, April 6, 2012

Fatigue during/after a cold

The hardest thing to overcome after being sick for me is the long-lasting fatigue. I always think, what's fatigue? Why can't people just shake off that feeling and go to work right? I mean there's no conclusive explanation for it, and people can overcome anything right?

Yeah, I realize now, that its not always about 'overcoming' something, the fact is, if you have no energy to actually get up out of bed, where you're so sleepy all you can really think about it going back to bed, when getting up is possible but walking feels like your muscles are protesting every move and your knees are semi-collapsing, and after even some small chores you feel so exhausted you need to have a 2 hour nap.

Yeah I'm at the border of almost feeling well, but the coughing, mucus, sniffles, and the fatigue is keeping me from crossing over that line. Yesterday I probably overdid it by studying for 8 hours and walking outside for a whole 10min, and today I felt awful. Woke up at 9am, helped vaccum for 10min, and then went back to sleep from 11-12...yeah...definitely frustrating. I shouldn't be too surprised since it hasn't been quite 2 weeks yet, and it was a bad flu with a fever and spending a week in bed is definitely not helpful for my fatigue and energy level, but I only have a week to go before I have to start my placement, and basically be on my feet treating people for 8hours a day. In addition, I really need to seriously start studying, since I'm already behind the schedule I set for myself...

I think this is why I'm usually very careful, and try my best to avoid being sick, and one of the reasons why I avoided and continue to avoid going out to parties, and to clubs, and even to restaurants, because if I do get sick, I'm out for at least 2 weeks, and that's if I'm lucky. I can't even take any meds such as tylenol, or buckley's to deal with my symptoms because they give me palpitations and then I have problems falling asleep, and end up not getting enough, so it is counter-productive.

Hopefully the weekend improves at least a little...

Others Happy Passover and Happy Easter to everyone!

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