Saturday, March 31, 2012

What I do when I get sick

So another boring post by moi still sick....with a few lessons I learned during previous colds/flu's.

So as I mentioned before I used to be sick a lot, especially when I was younger, and then when I got older in times during great stress such as high school and 1st year. This actually caught me by surprise because I was done all the exams, was actually sleeping 8hours and was not stressed, all my family members were better..but I quess it strikes when you least expect it.

Anyway, I was saying...when I was in high school and 1st year, I would get sick during my school term, and it would be very know missing classes, not knowing how I would catch even if I was coughing and with a fever, I would study in bed, then take some extra strength tylenol to reduce my fever, and go to class and actually take the test...I prided myself for never actually getting a sick note to postpone a test..even when I was genuinely sick. The reason for that was so that I wouldn't get even further behind because with each midterm that I postpone, another one is around the corner, so my semi-logical thinking was that I should do my best and move on to the next one and not dwell on it. The problem was there was a real price to pay for that strategy..

First off, I was very stressed and studying while being fairly sick, meant that I was not letting my body relax and fight the illness, and that meant a prolonged flu that could last for 2 months and of course complications such as bronchitis which meant antibiotics and of course that contributed to my long-term asthma problems. If I knew what I know now, I'd realize that the stress and marks aren't worth it in the long-run and I'd probably just drop the course if possible, or indeed get that extension for the test, but hindsight is 20/20.

Now, I know that the best way to get better is to provide my body with the most optimum environment. That means drinking lots and lots of fluids (in my case tea), getting lots of natural vitamin C (5 oranges a day), getting lots of rest (10-12hours), and the big one is reducing my stress level. The last one means, choosing not to study my books which are sort of staring at me, trying to not stress about the coming board exam and in general trying to relax. In previous times, this meant getting a good leisure book and reading, this time it means watching 8 hours of online tv to relax. The shows are a good distraction for me and a way to not start wallowing in self-pity, or start feeling guilty about not studying. The way I look at it is any studying I do now would not be very productive because I can't really concentrate and am basically falling asleep, plus its hard to study when you're either coughing or blowing your nose every minute.

Thankfully, I hope that the flu is running its course and my fever is almost gone, and hopefully my cough will also soon be history, and then it will be back to the books to study for the looming boards but for now, I get to relax in bed and continue watching some of my favourite shows, and hey its good for my recovery!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Doing too much and Getting sick

So I'm sick, with the flu. At least I think its the flu, or its a really really bad cold. I think this is my punishment for doing too much and enjoying my freedom too much for the past week.

I've been really lucky so far, since I haven't gotten seriously sick with the flu for 6 years...and this is something I was really scared of, and actually doubted if I could commute every day, considering I'm surrounding by people, some of them who are sick.

But I definitely know I overdid last week, when I started exercising every day, and going shopping for 3 days in a row, and then on sat, I went shoe shopping, and went to the doctor's for a quick appointment, and then went to my friend's place and 'gasp' had a cupcake and a few cookies...then on sunday I tried jogging and failed miserably and mostly was gasping and half fainting after 3min, did a bit more weights and then actually went for a haircut for the first time in a year....yeah it was too much, too soon, and my body told me so. It also doesn't help that everyone in my family has already had this flu..and I might have just gotten it from them.

I wouldn't have minded a quick cold, but this flu just knocked me out. Complete with fever, chills, stuffy nose, sore throat, and a cough that felt and sounded like I was coughing my lungs out and actually included chest pain. What's most annoying is that its the 4th day, and I'm still in bed, and now will have to miss a cool trip with my PT friends that took a while to plan. I'm also missing a few days of class, but I'm not that worried since I know my friend can give me good notes, and plus I finished most of the tests that I had to do already.

What's different this time though from my previous times I got sick, was I didn't wait for 2 weeks until the coughing progressed and I wasn't getting better and I actually on the advice of my friend, started antibiotics early, to treat the infection early enough so it doesn't progress to sever bronchitis and make my asthma even worse. The chest pain after breathing and coughing clued me in that its not a simple infection and that I better treat it soon. Thankfully, the antibiotics seem to be doing the trick and the chest pain is gone, my coughing is a lot less severe, and the phlegm is not green anymore (I know, not appetizing). But I'm still weak, tired, and am still in bed for now...and it will take prob another week until I'm back to being semi functional and can start studying for my boards...for now I can enjoy watching a actually finite supply of shows available online and having room service.

When I get better, I definitely will slow down, and not try to do 4 hours of shopping for 4 days in a row..not try exercising 4 days in a row, and will go back to avoiding cookies and cupcakes, since its a small price to pay to avoid being miserably sick and in bed for a week.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The benefits and drawbacks of living at home

Things have calmed down a bit, and I'm enjoying my newfound freedom from the endless tests and exams, I finally have time to start exercising, something I should be doing since hey I am supposed to be promoting a healthy lifestyle! I've started with some weight training and bought a book and have been doing some variations for the basic weight training (bicep curl, rows, crunches), yes I know its a little crazy that I need a book and shouldn't I know these exercises anyway? Well..theoretically...if I was a kine + personal trainer I would...but I'm not...and we're not taught any exercises in school, so its all basically learn on our own, which is a little annoying but it is what it is. I've accepted the fact that they teach us the mostly useless theory in class, and we're supposed to figure things out on our own in practice...sigh.

So back on topic, I've lived at home for the last 6 years of my uni education and wanted to talk a bit about my experiences. For the first 4 years it was undergrad, and I didn't really mind, since the uni was close by and I was able to get there in 10min in the morning by car (ride) or 30min by bus (back). So it was convenient, and it was nice to be able to come home, to be in a familiar environment, have food ready, not have to live with roomates....of course this was all good because my workload was manageable and I only had class for about 4hours/day and not every day. This all changed in the last 2 years in my master's program....first off I don't live close, it takes me an hour each way with at 1-2 transfers, secondly my courseload was a lot crazier with classes 9-4 every when you add 2-3hours of commuting each day, and you have to still study for 4hours at home something definitely suffers. For me its been usually hygiene, eating, exercise and sleep. So basically in the past month as an example, I have only taken showers once a week, scarfed down most of my meals in 5 min, not exercised at all, and have gotten a max of 5hours of sleep per day. Definitely not healthy, and I realized this after I got my eye infection which is taking a while to resolve even with antibiotics. A high stress level, little sleep and little food, definitely doesn't promote the best immunity.
The other issues is of course that living at home means that there are a lot of distractions and chores to do, and constant nagging and worry...this also contributed to me having to study at night instead of during the day even on weekends, so my study schedule would be from 8pm-3am, conveniently when everyone else was sleeping and no distractions..again not very healthy.

The commuting not only takes time, but is also somewhat exhausting and even though I often sleep when in transit, I would come home too exhausted to actually study. It also meant that most mornings I would have 20min to wake up, eat and get dressed, no joke! Which means I would swallow my breakfast, in a hurry pack my books, and be off, no time to actually take time to look good, brush my hair, because that would involve getting even less sleep and feeling even more like a zombie.

I'm actually conflicted whether knowing what I know now, would I live on campus? If it wasn't so expensive, and I could have a place to myself and not have to share, or share with one person, I probably would do it, but that's not realistic since it would be expensive, and I'm not sure I would actually get along with the roomate. Then of course there's the issue of having to go buy food, and cook it which mostly I've been lucky since my mom does.

Keep in mind that I live relatively close (20km away), there are people in my class that commute 35km, and a few that commute for 60km each way!

I think, if money isn't an issue and the campus is far, and there aren't a lot of partying distractions and you can do well, living on campus is probably a better option, but there are benefits and drawbacks to everything.

Friday, March 16, 2012

March craziness is over

The last 2 weeks have definitely been very very stressful and I'm really glad they are finally over. In the past week alone we've had a quiz, a presentation and a practical skills test.

We've been so stressed about the practical exam that we were staying in school practicing our practical skills from 8am-9pm for the past 3 days, in addition to going there on the weekend. So add to that 2 hours of commuting and another 4 hours of studying at home, means that I was getting a max of 5 hours of sleep for almost 2 weeks....and not showering....and barely having time to eat....

In that span I also managed to pick up an eye infection, which my self-treatment so far isn't working and got an infection from a cat bite due to my poor disinfection techniques.

It has been worth it since I found out that I passed the practical! We also found out our new clinical placements and I was really lucky to get my top choice! Will post another update once I catch up on some sleep. Did I mention that its march and it 22C outside?

Hope everyone enjoys the weekend!