Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Frustration, stress and regret

So school has officially started...and that means that my stress level is through the roof and my patience level is zero. Getting 6 hours of sleep/day for 2 weeks, and being in class for 8hours then studying at home for another 5 hours has been torture. In addition they have decided to add a lot of useless assignments and some that aren't worth anything to the list of things we have to do.

The thing that makes it worse, is that I realized that it wasn't my fault I wasn't getting it, and that there is a better approach and that some universities actually teach, instead of giving assignments, not answering questions, and expecting us to know everything. I had a choice since I had 4 offers to different universities, and my gut told me not to pick what I picked, but I thought, well its close to home, I wouldn't have to cook, I'd continue to live at home, its cheaper...it has a big name...good placements...yeah many many myths. It's been the most stressful experience that I've ever had, have not learned a lot (except the 'self learning'), and have had 3/4 bad clinical experiences.

The main problem now, is getting past the regret, getting through this last unit and passing the board exam, because that's what its about at the end of the day...but the day-day part is exhausting.

Even after a 1.5 years and 4 placements, I still get the nagging feeling of did I make the right choice? Do I have enough confidence, skills, communication skills to even be a good therapist? Do I have the personality? Or will I be one of those completely incompetent therapists, that doesn't know anything? Because that's basically how I feel right now....

Trying to date at the same time, is also becoming too much and I feel I'm doing poorly with both things...

I think what I really need is some sleep to process everything, and I have to keep going no matter how difficult it is because I don't really have another option, or another job lined up...so regret does not really help me at this moment anyway, what I chose is my journey, and I can't go back in time and I don't even know if I'd be more successful in another program, so really without a time machine I'll never really know.

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