Sunday, April 24, 2011

Not enough time to do it all

So it's been a fairly exhausting couple of days and hopefully will settle down soon, for some reason weekends in my family are always crazy busy, since we try to complete all our errands in 2 days....

Let's see yesterday (sat) we managed to visit 3 different hardware stores trying to find suitable materials for our renovation (partly successful), sewed up clothes for my grandfather, organized flyers for the neighbourhood group,and went to my parent's friends place for a small party, all the while managing my grandmother's angina symptoms (no problem now). Today we delivered those neighbourhood flyers, played tennis, and I helped a friend prepare for her exam all the while trying desperately to remember something I learned 2 weeks ago (my short memory is very very short).

For some reason I thought when I wouldn't study I would have loads of time to do loads of things for myself.....hmmm....not working out very well......

I don't mind being busy and some of the above projects like the renovation and flyers will be finished soon, but of course other things always come up and being pulled in 10 different directions is often quite difficult. My friends want to hang out, my parents want to clean/organize/renovate/play tennis, my cat wants to play, while my grandparents want quality time with me, and of course I can add dealing with an ant infestation in my room due to the lack of addition I need to start reviewing the next unit before it starts so I am have some sort of knowledge base for the next unit....How can I choose?

What is more important? Family? Friends? School? Pets? It's the never ending question of life balance that never get's solved, since at the end of the day, I often don't remember what I did and I am extremely drained and feel like I'm surviving one day and moving to the next yet not really living.....

I have learned to let a lot of things go already due to time constraints but am not sure what else to do...Our house is rarely cleaned and right now looks like a complete mess....I don't go clothes shopping even though I badly need to due to sheer exhaustion, lack of time and danger of driving to malls with insane drivers on the weekends. I rarely go out with my friends due to a) the fear of getting sick which will derail above schedule and b) the logistical nightmare it often entails and the danger of driving.

I want to be able to enjoy life but what often happens is we go from one emergency to the next....and my downtime is spent browsing the news and facebook without being productive. I think I need to start setting a schedule for priorities that need to be completed everyday and then I won't feel so overwhelmed and feel like I completed nothing....and at least try to do some tasks on the weekdays so that there is at least some free time on weekends to do the things I want to do...should start on the now right?

Hope everybody had a good weekend!

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