Monday, December 6, 2010

School and Burnout

It is definitely that time of year, where the holidays are so close I can almost taste it, yet there is still a test left that I have no energy to study for anymore. I want and need to look forward to the end, yet find myself staring blankly at the text, not absorbing any information.

In other news, we finished our first unit and started the second, the problem I keep having is I keep having high hopes that the next unit will keep me interested, yet each time, just end up thinking when will it end. It's not that the new unit isn't interesting, it's just that it's overwhelming, and every time I think about it, I become more and more overwhelmed and anxious. The problem is I'm not used to feeling that things are completely out of control. In my undergrad, I always felt I stayed on top of things and never let things fall behind but now...even though I study non-stop I feel that I still can't keep up, and barely catch up at the last minute. When I add my own family problems to the mix, the stress levels go up another 10 times. I keep thinking its almost over, but I just have no more energy to study anymore for this last test.

In yet other news, we just received our first official snowfall of the season, a whole 5cm! Let me tell you, cleaning it from the driveway is no picnic, and now I really wish I could get away and go skiing, there is nothing energizing like skiing 20kmh down a great hill thinking you're going to crash, and feeling all that adrenaline at the end of the hill, and not crashing!

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